Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis of Trainspoting Essay - 1566 Words

Analysis of Trainspoting Make a close analysis of a film segment you have viewed and describe the use of mise-en-scene and editing. I have chosen to analyse a small segment of the film Trainspotting. The particular scene I have chosen is called Spuds Interview and shows a character (Spud) attempting to appear as if he is trying to earn the placement at a leisure facility. The catch is he is trying to appear to be trying without actually having to get the job and therefore work. Spud appears to be drugged and his hyper-active, exuberant personality which does a little more than simply shine through shows. The most important aspect of this segment is the mise-en-scene as it is this which†¦show more content†¦(Spud looks at the mural on the wall for a few seconds the sits upright as if an idea has come to him) Spud PLEASURE! I mean, my pleasure, of peoples like leisure, like its Their pleasure! Although the answer is not the best, the safety the wall has provided shows us that the idea of the sea works. The mural is only seen by the viewers as they see the interviewers and cannot be seen before that, the only background for Spud is the bare wall, this suggests that he himself is stripped of ideas for his answers to the questions he is presented with until the mural is seen by the viewers and he is given ideas from the location he is in. The characters are set up in a teacher to class style with the interviewers at the top of the room with a large desk and Spud at the bottom. This could also be compared with a courtroom set-up, in both cases the way the characters are placed suggests authority to a child. Spuds behaviour is childlike also as we see later in the interview. The props used in the scene also support the language used. For instance, because he is nervous, Spud is using lists of three to fill his answers out, he does this because to list something is an empty piece of evidence which Spud presents in the form of his intelligence. As a

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